Tuesday 11 December 2012

Latvia Identity continued.

After the initial logo development i was un happy with the outcome. however very happy with the work towards the logo, as everything behind it had a meaning. Therefore i have decided to take the concept of the logo and see how i am going to apply it to the new identity of the latvian tourist board.

Development continued from the previous stage...

here you can see the new logo development for latvia, i have kept the shape of the coinage and the tree ring identity. Here you can see how the image is strong enough to be an identity by itself, however i think the type can be applied on the more corporate aspects of the identity, for example the stationary for the tourist board themselves.. either one of the above images are strong enough to be recognisable as the latvian identity. the typeface although relatively corporate is approachable and doesn't detract from the main point of the project which is to encourage british tourist to come to latvia. specifically those who are looking for an adventure based holiday. the colour scheme will develop from the idea behind the amber.. as this is Latvia's biggest export. 

Full logo. 

Leaves a corporate feel, which is appropriate for the tourist board.. as well as the typography with the slight serifs doing the same.. however it is how it is applied to print collateral etc that will determine the success of it on encouraging to feel latvia is a potential place to go and visit. 

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