Thursday 8 November 2012

TypeFactory identity.

The brief is based around creating a typographic museum with the purpose being, to get people who have no current knowledge of typography interested in it, with emphasis on youth.. under 18. However it must also be engaging enough for the parents to enjoy it as well as having enough interest for people with knowledge of typography to appreciate the idea behind the design.  The location of the museum is in somewhere of my choice. I have decided on the cube gallery in London.

With the target audience in mind, the ethos of museum is that of interaction, getting people interacting with everything within the museum, from the exhibits to the way finding, this will encourage interest. I particularly like the idea of people being able to move like building bricks the type with in the way finding or exhibits,creating an all round interactive experience.

With this is mind, the general theme for the identity I have started creating is that of deconstructive typography… and with the interaction of the visitors to the museum, it becoming a constructive piece of is this deconstruction and construction that i think should be represented in the the identity of the logo. \

This brief i will have particular focus on the way finding of the museum as well as the general identity whilst looking at exhibit design. 

The Logo

I have decided to create my own typeface for this project, the typeface was simply be used for headers, however it will give the museum its own identity.. and i can really pushes forward the idea of construction deconstruction and thus interaction with in the museum. 

i will begin the process by taking a specific type face and altering to highlight it constructive qualities.. of the typeface.. i want to start by altering a typeface which is universal.. and commonly used, this will ad a certain degree of familiarity, i think is important in the legitimising the museum. I will begin with arial... i want to really give the feel of construction and taking inspiration from the most naive simplistic form of construction, that of children's building blocks.. and simple lines.

the lines with in the typeface are representative of a deconstructed grid system and will form the basis for my identity and will be preverlant through out.  

The legibility wasnt an issue when i begin creating the logo for the type factory. 

I wanted to create an identity that was representative of the ethos behind the museum.. that of customer interaction. therefore i want to create and identity which can change but will give the visual identity of the type factory. i will use the grid system to achieve this. 

The Logo. 

This demonstrates how the logo will change when seen over different mediums.. as explained this embodies the the interactivity of the ethos behind then brand. 

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