Tuesday 11 December 2012

Stationary Type Factory

The Stationary for the Type Factory needs to be representative of the deconstructive nature of the ethos of the museum.. using the grid system to develop an identity that can keep its familiarly as well as being able to change and move.

Business card.

This is the business card for the type factory.. although the nature of the museum is deconstructive it was important i kept an clarity on the back of the card, using arial as the body text.. which was the basis for the type factory typeface. i like the way the deconstructive logo on the back of the business card interacts with the structured san serif type face of arial.. the grid lines.. create and interesting interaction. where as on the front the logo creates the feeling of movement.. and reconstruction.. which is within the the strap line for the musuem. ' discover, construct, create' 

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