Tuesday 11 December 2012

Icons/Way finding Type factory.

The way finding and iconography for the project needs to follow the the deconstructive nature of the identity . i will take inspiration for the initial typeface using a deconstructed grid system and block like structure whilst still being legible.


The initial stages of the icon development sor me playing with grid systems and trying to apply the sam rules i did for the typeface to the icons.. i started off with the most basic of forms.. that of a man and a woman.. before tackling anything more intense.. i began to find it was more difficult than expected to differentiate between the two. 

here is where i began developing the idea that would form the basis of the icons.. i have taken brick like structures from the typeface and designed with in the con traits of a deconstructed gtid system...

Developing the loo icons.. i tried to keep set rules to the design.. but these began to waver as the icons developed e.g. the use of single lines.. in the disabled one.. however i kept certain rules e.g no full circles just giving the impression of a circle was enough to justify the deconstructed nature of the icons. 

LIft and stair exmples..the most difficult part of the development was the creating the arrow.. whilst still keeping it deconstructed. 

The strongest of the icons.. i think is the cafe one.. i think it embodies the deonstructive nature of the design.. where as the coat hanger has been less successful. 

The anti symbols work well.. especially the cigarette which was perhaps the most simple to design... where as the food and drink has made mixed reviews... as someone said it looked like no welly boots? i have stayed true to a set of rules to create the icons for the way finding of the museum.. however.. i think they could do with being a single colour due to there primary usage being for way finding.. in which legibility is crucial. 

This shows the final icons.. mounting them in a blcack background gives the impression of further unity in design.. although still maintaining there deconstructive ideology. when applied to wayfinding these can be reversed etc to only improve legibility.

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