Tuesday 11 December 2012

Complete Stationary Set

The type factory complete set will be seen predominately by the people that work with in the type factory . therefore it needs to be more structure than the majority of the identity and it is this corporate feel to a deconstructive idea that i am trying to emulate,in this case..

Here you can see how the logo develops and changes through out different mediums.. although not detracting from the familiarity of the identity, the tickets are the only client facing aspect of the stationary . and this incorporates imagery for a more engaging resolution. 

This shows the again the logo changing.. the letterhead is the strongest part of the stationary set as it really portrays how the logo interacts with the page and the grid system is deconstructed.

The print process i will use for the typefactory forms the basis how the identity will be seen.. therefore it is important i get it right.. i am concerned about the amount of white within the the identity.. and i do not want to print onto a matt white stock.. so i will have to print test and see how the red interacts with different papers. 

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