Tuesday 11 December 2012

Promotional Poster.

The promotional posters for latvia as well as staying true to the identity need to demonstrate what the usp of latvia is.. therefore it is important to have heavy image based posted... that will encourage to take a second look.. i will there for use the vibrant orange that has become and integral part of the identity.

Here you can see one of the complete promotional posters for promoting latvia as a place for extreme sports.. the image works very well due to its heavily contrasted nature.. you can see how the orange of the identity could be used to highlight the outside of the poster...and there fore get people interested and interacting with it.

here you can see a close up of the strap line in arial.. which comes into its own with its more agressive tone.. especially when referencing extreme sports.. although it is helps deliver a strong tone.. it is not overly agressive and therefore isnt intimidating to people who have little issue in sports like this etc. 

This demonstrates how the logo is applied to other printed material.. not using the foil.. that black gives it a more 'extreame' tone and there for fits in well with the image. 

Poster portrait... as an image it is not as strong as the previous.. however you can understand the vibe i am going for with the imagery.. a borderline hyper reality within the design of the image.. this of course makes a potential tourist picture latvia like this entirely..which of course is important. you can also see how the logo moves around the promo.. this just adds to the intrest of  the image. 

HIghlighting the use of line.. helps to break up the image.. that creates a more visually interesting result.. also helps to define the txt which is shown below. 

big up latvia more.

in situ you can see how the orange would begin to highlight.. the hyper real image.. and therefore create an entirely engaging image.. which would help to create intrigue in latvia as a potential holiday destination. 

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