Monday 6 February 2012

Title Sequence Second Ten Seconds

2nd ten seconds from Samantha Edwards on Vimeo.

The beginning of this ten seconds, begins much like the last, with the general erratic style  of the previous, perhaps my least favourite 2 seconds of the entirety of the 60 are at the beginning of this ten seconds, when story boarding, it was much more flowing transition. with the according to being moved across the screen by two red rectangles. However i think this could be coming from the perspective of someone that has been staring at the 10 seconds above for the last two days. I have also left it in here, as its change of style, with out the lines flashing across the screen, i keeps the on looker interested in the composition.
It is not until 3 seconds through this composition that the transition that results in the info graphics comes in. This is a ball dropping from above using the position key frame. At this stage i very aware that i am using simple techniques during the process, and i think i will try and use more complex ones in the next ten seconds, to try and improve smoothness of movement with in the composition.
the transition that start with the ball, is based around giving clarity to the piece, which is why i have used a ripple like effect, like a droplet hitting a puddle, clarity=water... you get the vibe.
it is here in which the track that plays through out the main body of the work comes in. This song is not representative of north korea but really communicating a potentially humorous approach to how unlike the west they are, or any other country for that matter. I think it is the fine balance between amusing, and informative facts that are important for me to try and achieve. with information from a bias perspective having the heavy weighting.
the transition itself is representative of a mechanical circle, which was created as a piece of illustrator art work, and i think works effectively time with the music, as a good transition between the craziness of the title sequence and the information based clarity of the main body of the title sequence.
It is this clarity in design that become apparent when the graphics begin, using masks i created text appearing in beat to the music in the centre of a circle, which i where my limited knowledge began to get more complex.
I think it is important for the next stage of this composition the maintain the beat of the music in time time with the graphics and conscious of text and leave people time to read.

Story Boards

These are the initial story boards from the second composition of ten, due to the first sequence taking longer than expected, they are slightly out out sinc, however you can see how the development of the idea a will continue.

Post Production Key frames

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Here you can see the post production key frames, the biggest difference in temp is from page 3-4 in which the music and general temp changes, and where the colour scheme becomes true to north korea. This section of key frames is more true to time allocated and this is due to the change in tempo between key frame 3 and four where the ball hit the water... then the mechanical circle, is the focal point of this set of ten. being on frame for 3 seconds, it is this that conducts the pace of this sequence.. and really begins the start if the info graphics. i will need to careful of time management in the next composition and be aware of things such as legability. the next set of ten will continue directly on from where this one has finished, as the composition as a whole currently ahead of itself. 

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