Monday 6 February 2012

Ident 3

ident 3 from sam edwards on Vimeo.

Here you can see the third ident, for this ident i want to use the same ideology of simple and shocking. I have used a type writer effect which i have used in the main body of the title sequence this in my opinion gives the typography better flow, and readability. I content has defiantly began to focus more on on specific human rights instead of human rights issues as a whole, for example the execution fact if you make an international phone call.
I have also decided to use solid colour to highlight the text or the shocking part of the text to keep audience engagement, i think this is more successful than the other ident so far in terms of visuals. The block of red makes the on looker think danger etc.
really with these idents the facts speak for them selfs it requires very little designing.. and i am simply helping the facts speak for themselves.
The music again is playing on the censorship idea.
The transitions are simple but are effective.
I think the layout of the bbc four and title section is the strongest in this also. In terms of the composition layout i think it works well, with the focal point always being the red square. The track goes well the communication vibes again, especially this one as it is based around phone calls. the dead tone was appropriate.

Story Board

Here are the story boards for this composition, again they were incredibly easy to follow which sped up the design process considerably. I made very little alterations to the real thing, bar i sped up the transitions slightly, as this allowed me to spend more time with the film four logo as the focal point at the end. I think the date shortened down at the end is very important it allows the on looker to take in the whole piece of information in.

Key Frames.

Here are the key frames for the 3rd ident, it allows you to see the progression through the sequence. and for the first time you can see how the offset key frame work with with the opacity, it is this process that makes this ident more legible and better timed than the other, i think.
You can also see how the block red draws the eye of the on looker. This is also helped by the strong composition layout which puts the highlighted text in the focal point of the frame.
The title of the sequence is is advertising is also a better size and you can see this on the still frames.
for the next ident, i am going to look at changing the track choice a little, to a more north korea based idea, perhaps focusing on its military, which is north koreas biggest 'asset'.

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