Monday 6 February 2012

Complete Title Sequence

Final 60second Title Sequence from sam edwards on Vimeo.

I am going to briefly evaluate the title sequence. i must start by defining very broadly weather i believe the video has been successful as a title sequence.
The purpose of a title sequence is to lead on the the start of a production, giving people information or a idea of what that the production is a bout, this is something that the clip works in giving people a snap shot of the kind of facts that will be in the main film.
The next question that really needs to be asked is weather i think the clip has been appropriate to a target audience. A target audience that has changed since the start of the project. I think this really came about when i realised the facts that i was dealing with didn't need such a large a mount of satirical humour to make them interesting. As a result the target audience changed from the slightly tongue in cheek bbc3 to bbc4 the more highbrow channel. Although the satyrical humour is not lost in the clip, especially with the title, 'according to a north korean' there is a more serious nature to the facts being portrayed, so to some up do i think it has been a success in being appropriate for the target audience  but only because of change of direction taken early on.
From a design perspective there are certain things that i think have been more effective than others. As the composition developed i have highlighted these in previous posts. But as a general over view i think strength lies in the use of relevant colour, the transitions between the graphics themselves ,i think combined together, these help to create a relevant piece of work based at portraying shocking information with out diluting its message.
Other strengths may also include the choice of audio which at the start and end are based around the censorship the korean government have on the media, and the ironic wester track to accompany the info graphics, however i do believe the timing with the audio could have been better in places.
The type face used was another slightly ironic piece of design, using helvetica the global typeface, something that north korea defiantly are not.
If i look at the information graphics themselves, and analyse them as there own composition, do i think the work? yes i think they work in there simplistic form, of giving you the information, using relevant style colour etc. Are they the most inspiring info graphics? no, i think if the project i could develop further this is what i would change, and look at ways to perhaps get more complicated graphics in there, and maybe use more illustrations.
Certain things that i would also like to look at given more time, is creating so more perspective on the final outcome, more 3d angles etc, to create a more interesting outcome.
To sum up, i am pleased with the final outcome of the title sequence, and i think it is representative of the style of what i wanted to achieve and the style i want to portray of north korea.

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