Monday 6 February 2012

Ident 4

Ident 5 from sam edwards on Vimeo.

This ident i am focusing perhaps on the most shocking facts about north korea its military. With the largest military in the world in comparison to it population. Again i have used exactly the same techniques used as the previous ident as i think the composition and timings were working well in the previous one.
The choice of music however is something i have change using north korean marching song, to fit in with the military theme. The timings of this ident has allowed me to fit a third piece of information before the channel information at the end, this is just stating that north korea follows a stalinist dictatorship. which is shocking in itself as a result i have just highlighted in in red, the composition timings.  using the same technique as the previous to highlight.
despite the extra information in this ident, the legibility is not effect and this ident.
i am not entirely sure on the audio as a result this maybe altered before the final render.

here are the story boards for this ident, again like the previous ident i have kept the time allocated well. the colour scheme used through out, i think is strong, it fit in well with the film four and in context with north korea. the key frames below highlight this point.

Here are the key frames from this ident, like the previous it allows you to see the transition between frames and also highlight the strengths and weakness in the composition itself. i think it is the colours which have really allowed the legibility to be a strength, I think a the ident work well as set, it is obvious that they are all part of the same sow due to colour scheme and general typographic style the interesting facts have allowed me to really be very basic with in the design process, it was just a question of choosing a correct layout to portray the facts. well. i think these idents have been successful in communicating to my target audience and will cause intreats, i think the audio has helped me in creating an interesting final composition.

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