Monday 6 February 2012

Title Sequence Fourth Ten Seconds

4th ten seconds from Samantha Edwards on Vimeo.

This is the fourth ten second composition of the sequence. It is this one that marks the second half of the project and the entirety of the focus is based around portraying information effectively and clearly using the colour scheme and typeface already stated.
As a piece of information the graphics the initial population diagram is very simplistic, however i  don't believe this takes anything away from the effectiveness of it. A sit purpose is to inform, the timing maybe slightly out with the music and i will do my best to address this before the final render.
The lines coming across the screen showing population may also need to be addressed through weighting. to give better clarity, especially in terms of the line to represent the uk.
Transition of the circles at 3 seconds in, gives a good in time platform in which the pie charts of the next info graphics can be portrayed, and it is here that the colour of the composition changes. to the north korean blue.
having the red on blue i think gives a better already image, however does it still give as much impression or north korea?
the timing of the type is also important to get right, and i think i am getting right here, although perhaps the end of this composition i am leaving a little to much time for reading. but again this works well with the next transition?
Are the facts hard hitting enough?
i think they are relative to the population they are quite shocking, and it is focusing on the strengths of north korea.. after all this is from a north korean perspective. and i have to remember this is just a title sequence and if there was a main body of film, i wouldn't want to give it all away.
Is it relative to the target audience?
bbc four is slightly more highbrow than the bbc 3 audience, so they would be more concerned about the facts, and i believe talking about GDP etc is relevant to this audience, i think this programme would also appeal to the masses however due to the negative notoriety that north korea have.
In the next stage i need to think of how to show facts on specifically the military, and human rights. **think bar charts and Kinetic type to change the visuals to keep the masses interested in watching.

looking at these story boards, this is a transitional period in the sequences in which 4 story boards are relevant, with the transition between the population and gdp info graphics taking perhaps to long, this is something that will be addressed before the final outcome. i think the most effective part of the sequence is in this set of ten, with the GDP info graphs being interesting engaging and high in clarity. the layout of the page as a still works well also.. which is shown below.

Open publication - Free publishing - More keyframes

I think this post shows the strength of the transitions is demonstrated in the sequence with two the first one showing the circles, changes the colour of the composition, is strong, however i think it may have come in to early, effecting the legibility of the type in the first piece of info graphics... where as the second which takes up three key frames is timed much better and legibility is not effected. this what i should try and emulate through out the rest of the sequences and address the issue after first info graphics before the final render. 

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