Monday 6 February 2012

Title Sequence Final Ten Seconds

final ten seconds from Samantha Edwards on Vimeo.

This was the simplest of all the ten second sequences, as really all that needed to be done was the type on the already animated bar graph along along with the very simple ending.
i have decided against the change in temp of the words, as this would of complicate the composition.
The colour scheme stays constant through out this composition i think enables a strong ending.
The Track change on the ending is representative of the plug being pulled, much like the internet dial tone at the start of the project, this represents the north korean telling the story saying to much. with a simple ending that more accurately perhaps gives the name of the programe. the leading on the last sentence may need altering slightly, to make it more readable.

here you can see the story boards that incorporate the final ten second sequence of the title sequence. This timing has final caught up from with the story boards, and left me just enough time to finish under the 60 second maximum. the key frames are shown below.

this is the conclusion to the the final sequence, by looking at the key frames you can see that i left 4 seconds at the end for the outro.. which is representative of the start playing on the idea of communication.. this is done so in this case by choice of sounds to match the simplistic outro which reinforces the title of the piece. the final piece of info graphics worked well is the beat of the music. And the timing in the penultimate section allowed for the timings to work well here also. i will now create the final composition and evaluate below.

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