Wednesday 8 February 2012

Packaging for DVD Hand In

Here is the net i have decided to use for the DVD packaging, i wanted to keep the packaging to simple, not to over complicate things.

It is a very simple net, and will simply fold into a a cd chase with the focal point being the front cover, however it will also allow two other visible areas to design on,  the choice of stock is also important as to getting the best out of the packaging a gsm that is to high will result in an inability to fold it. 

Package Design. 

I want the design to be simple, using simple geometric shapes similar to the ones i have used with the title sequence just to keep some visual constancy through out. i dont want the cd packaging to be be to type heavy either.  the designs for the packaging are shown below. 

My favourite of the three above is the last one DPRK stands for the democratic peoples republic of korea. I think this give a nice outcome having this set in the middle of an illustration i used for one of my info graphics, strong, interesting image, that would make people interested with what lies inside.

I am going to use this as the front cover.
the rest of the cd case is shown below.

above are the nets for print, i am going to print them double sided so it works as a cd case, the inside of the case will simple have the full title and the revers of the image on the front cover where as the back will just have my name and course code on it.

the photos of the complete case.

here are the photos, it is a simple package that if time was on my side would have more considered in terms of stock and the print process. however i am happy with the outcome.

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