Monday 6 February 2012

Ident 2

ident 2 from sam edwards on Vimeo.

Here we can see the second ident, i have continued to use the simplistic type based info graphics. However i have taken this section from the title sequence or at least the premise for it i have changed the colour scheme for the more relevant north korean colours. To the relevant colours of film four, black and white. i do also thinks this adds a certain degree of sophistication and formality to a serve subject. or at least ads to a serve subject.   The timing i think works well in this video, with the opacity of the word increasing as it enters the main part of the frame draws the eye of the on looker.
The timing also works well. with the cog like effect of the type, leaving around a second for each bit to be read which works well. in terms of content i have kept it very similar to the previous, however i have added, the subject of the programme to the cog, as well as the time and date, and i think this is something that could be addressed the format i have put the date in. perhaps it should be more short hand.
Another slight issues that could be addressed with this is the size title underneath the film four logo. this could be highlight or increased in point size slightly.
I think the previous ident was more successful. the track i have chosen is again playing on the idea of censorship like the title sequence as well, at the start. the timing works well with this also.
again simplisitic and effective, however in terms of movement not so effective, i think for the next ident i am going to look at having the type typed out and develop it from there. Perhaps use a bolder colour, however i want them to all work as a set.

Story Boards.

Like the last the story boards have allowed me to keep good time with what i allocated.. the simplistic nature of the animation also allows this to happen. i like the way the opacity works with this ident and that of the similar section in the full title sequence. the transitions are also strong between each letter with the stop start nature of the cog. i am not sure if this is a more effective way of arranging the type. 

The Key frames. 

Open publication - Free publishing - More ident2

here are the key frames from this is ident, it allows you to see the movement of the cog and how this works, i am not sure if its as effective as the previous ident. you can also she how the opacity works in highlighting and drawing attention to the relevant areas of text. i think the sophistication in colour scheme also seen here and how this works in promoting the severity of the issues addressed with in the ident.
A question i am beginning to ask myself is weather or not the tone of voice used in the ident is the same of that in the title sequence? however this is more about get the audience to watch the show so it perhaps need to shock to get attention. i the next ident i am going to progress the idea of shock, by picking up on different issues. 

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