Monday 6 February 2012

***TItle Sequence Fifth 10 seconds***

5th ten seconds from Samantha Edwards on Vimeo.

Here you can see the penultimate ten second sequence before the end.. that was missed out from my initial uploads.. i used kinetic type, to portray perhaps the most hard hitting message to the wester world, which is playing on the human rights that westerners take for granted. that of having general human rights and freedom of speech.
The type used here was simple and was not over complicated which doesn't over complicate the message it is trying to portray. The cog like effect i have used here i think works well.. and allows clarity. It also allowed me to catch up with time lost.. as obviously using graphics takes up more time than just type, which is what was on the initial story boards. the use of opacity draws the eye to the important parts of the message at the right time which is why i think this section is successful.I have used red to really highlight the important areas of type, which undoubtedly works better than if the colours were inverted, using blue to highlight the important areas. this defiantly changes the tone of voice. the change in opacity to give the image of highlighting also works well in this case. makes people pay more attention.
The pacing of this movement  i think could be slightly improved before the final render. to be more in time with the music, however i do think it gives people enough time to read it. The transition between this and the next piece of graphics the bar graph.. is also helped by it just being a type based section as as soon as the type is off the screen the next graphic starts, which again allows me to catch up with time. The legibility is strong in this set of ten and timings good in terms of legibility and music.

Here you can see the story boards for this section of ten, again there is several that over lap in time, however in the section time is defiantly made up which is explained above. through out the process my story boards have been relatively simplistic, however i have found them very easy to follow.. especially with the help of annotation on them.. below is the key frames from this set of ten seconds.

Open publication - Free publishing - More keyframes

These are the key frames from the 5th sequence of ten comp.. the timing of this composition was very easy in terms of time and legibility using a second per fact, this allowed me to highlight well the information i was trying to hit home. i think it works well.. the transitions were also good on this section of the film. This is shown in the key frames with a smooth transition. It also allowed me to use the temp of the music well in the second half of the info graphics involved here. which increase with the music.
The second set of info graphics(bar graphs) will be the final one of the title sequences, not just due to the time constraints but also because the purpose of a title sequence is not give everything away.. after all it is the top ten fact on north korea according to a north korean. 

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