Monday 6 February 2012

Title Sequence First Ten Seconds

first ten seconds from Samantha Edwards on Vimeo.

This is the complete first ten second of my title sequence. i wanted to initially give the impression of the hectic nature of north korea itself, the first two seconds are really just a a big transition, with the circles drawing the attention of the on looker to the piece.  I think this has been successful, it is not until the text comes in that the on looker will have any idea of what the title sequence is about. using simple scale to enlarge circles and give the impression of the camera zooming in on the circles. the colour scheme also adds to this ideology of the subject being unidentifiable until the text comes into sequence. Using a diverse range of "happy" colours. The SOund track i am using for the first ten seconds is the only thing that may give some clue as to what the sequence about. And this is playing on the idea that, north korea have tight restrictions on the internet and forms of communication. this is down to the government being wary of outside influences on there people. thus potentially creating up heaval in the dicatorship. the lines that occur through out the first ten seconds are representative of distortion, which plays on the ideologies of censorship the north korean government have.
I have chosen to use helvetica bold through out the title sequence, this is an ironic choice due to the universality of Helvetica completely opposed to north korea.
I want to keep the colour scheme relevant to north korea through out the main body sequence, however the start is different in terms of the reaction i want to achieve from the audience, more erratic confusion.

The Techniques used with in the first ten seconds, were very simple, doing all the designing on after effects itself, as this was the simplest way to go about it. using scale and opacity key frames, with basic shapes and the text. Which was easy in terms of applications, i think i achieved the feeling i was going for, however,  in terms of the techniques used, i believe there could have been a more efficient way of going about it. As it has been very time consuming.

The audio at this stage does not have to be timed particularly well, as this adds to the nature of feel i trying to go for.

consideration, for the next ten seconds will be largely the same, portraying the erratic nature i am going for, it will not be until the 20 seconds mark, where there will be greater clarity and information based graphics will begin. highlighting north koreas strong points. Which is where the slightly irony of the entire sequence itself comes in. As the title is north korea according to a north korean.
i am only focusing on what the north korean government itself would allow a north korea to speak about north korea.. so the information will be based about the military etc. which is with out doubt north koreas strongest aspect. nothing to do with the famine and wasted money. however through out the sequences there will be reminders of these issues to make it applicable to english audiences, specifically the slightly more intellectual audience of bbc 4 with slight undertones of satyrical humour.

Story Boards.

Here are the relevant story boards for the first ten seconds of the title sequence initially i left to little time for the running of the first ten seconds, however this was addressed during production.  Below are the key frames from the first ten seconds.

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Here are the first ten key frames, post production, you can see how the reality of the time effected the production time, which i will have to make allowances for as the project progresses. this stage in the project the idea behind each movement is the of erraticism, so this could allow me more time later in the project, instead of taking me 10 seconds i believe to introduction is more likely to take me 20 as a result i need to be aware of this later on.
These key frames were taken every second. 

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