Monday 6 February 2012

Bounce Sequence 5

For the last sequence i want to start to getting to grips with cameras, and how to create a 3d effect on after effects. 

the starting point of this process was to move the anchor points, for each of the words into the correct position to make them swing from the right direction, for the word bounce i located the anchor point to the top of the swing.. where the word is metaphorically bouncing back from the top of it swing. this was off the composition. Where as production was below the screen. this should create an interesting visual image with the two words bouncing back in opposite directions. 

This is what the composition was comprised of, very simple. however i have introduced an adjustment layer into after effects, this allows me to alter all layers using this adjustment layer.. and as a result when getting to 60 second clip will save me time. i can also apply effects to other layers. 

when using 3d its is also important to turn 3d on all layers. Although you cant get true 3d in after effects, you can give the impression. and it result in me being able to create interesting movements. 

This is how you create the adjustment layer.. right click in the composition box. 

for this composition i am going to use and effect called slider control.

i can then key frame from the effects bar above this will create the movement for the words, moving away from each other. i have also added blur to create a more realistic effect. however i do believe that this could have been the wrong type of blur, i perhaps should of used one which gave a more realistic impression of movement. 

above are the 6 key frames from sequence, you can see how the effects have worked to create the image of 3d, in movement, i think this is something that i will take forward to the title sequence and idents. using 3d can create a good impression of realistic movement. as a sequence i believe this has been the most successful. i like using 3d as it gets the on looker more engaged. something which is clearly important with in graphic design, or motion graphics. 

i have also learnt another technique during this process, that is of using key frame assists. so it makes the movement of the key frames more realistic for the scenario. easy easy is what i have used for this process, which creates a consistent bounce between each swing in this case. i think this is a useful thing to no how to do. i hope that this clip is appropriate for the word bounce, as i meant to be giving the impression of the word bouncing back from the top of its swing. 

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