Monday 6 February 2012

Bounce Clip 5 And Post Production Story Boards

Bounce Clip 5 from sam edwards on Vimeo.

this my final silent movie clip, i think it again shows progression as i am using 3d and different cameras along with effects on the words themselves. this could be considered a culmination of all the processes i have used in the brief. However i do not think it is the most accurate in portraying the word bounce, as it was my intention to make the word bounce look like it bouncing of the top of its swing, however it looks like i should be portraying the word swing instead. although there is a bounce effect at the end when the words become clearer. i like the smoothness of movement of this again in this clip. i think this short brief has allowed me to grasp some of the skill i will need to use to progress with the 6o second clip.

Here are the post production story boards for the silent movie brief, i have added a time line in seconds, as i worked off taking three screen shot per second. When looking at the first page of the story board book, story board 5 i think it gives the impression of the smoothness transition. It also gives the impression of the 3 dimensional camera well. It is a good representation of the reality of the silent movie. This is also the case with the fourth silent movie, it shows the use of the camera and how the words appear to be coming at the screen and using it to bounce away.
The third of the silent movies, again is represent well, showing the movements and the transitions. However this is not so much the case with the second of the which starts well and it gives the images of the o being the most active part of the composition.  however towards the end of the story boards, it gives the impression i have management the time badly with in the composition.  If i had time to re do the silent movies i would re do the the first one to match the colour scheme of the others. however i do think they have been successful in communicating the word bounce.

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