Wednesday 12 December 2012

Original Food Co boards

Type Factory Boards

Its Nice That Boards

Latvia Boards

Module Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?  

During this module I feel I have began to develop a higher understanding of typographic layout, especially with the original fast food brief. In terms of effective application, I feel as if typographically I improved as the module developed. Interface design is also something that I had previously not attempted. The D&AD competition brief  allowed me to develop an understanding of interface layout and design, something that will become increasingly important as the rest of third year and beyond develops. I also have began to develop a greater understanding of the print process, something that before I was almost intimidated by.I am far from being an expert, however I feel more comfortable communicating with printers and understanding the different print options.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process.?

I feel I have developed a greater understanding of photography and thus the importance of taking strong portfolio photos, this adds a degree of legitimacy to your work. I also have realised the importance of concept development at the early stages of project weather this be through research driven briefs or not having a greater understanding of your subject matter enables you to create more informed precise design. I now also put stock choice as one the first design considerations, printing on the correct stock can make or break the outcome of a project this is particularly obvious in my Type factory brief.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel that the strengths in my work lie at the concept stage, it is where I get the most reward out of the briefs I undertake, this is something that I will continue to develop through out year. I also must remember however, not to take to long over this stage in the design process. I also feel I come up with a broad range of deliverables for most briefs, this allows me to communicate my concept more effectively.  I also think a strength of mine lies in reinforcing a concept not necessarily through a range­­ but through concept development as the design process develops.

What weaknesses can identify in your work and how will address these in the future?

There is not doubt that my self-evaluation is weak in the form of the blog especially, it’s a case of improving my design process and leaving time for the self-evaluation. Time management therefore can also be seen a weakness and something that I need to improve on. I also think that I could spent to much time over small details which leads to this poor time management thus I need to learn to be more decisive in design.

Identify things that you will do differently net time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

There are several things I would do differently asides time management during the design process. This would result in me being able to print earlier in the process therefore allowing more time for errors to be adjusted. 

I would spend less time at the concept development stage and design earlier in the process which would allow me to come up with  broader range of deliverable.

I would also constantly evaluate on blog as this would allow me spend more time at the end of the module finalising design rather than catching up blogging.


Module Submission

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Its nice that app design complete.

here you can see the complete app design for that its nice that brief. I have tried to stay as true to the brand its nice that as possible an i think i have managed to maintain the integrity of an already successful brand while taking existing concept from the websites and making them more interactive and accesable to a student body, that by word of mouth should promote the new fresh concepts behing the brand.

from a design perspective, there is no doubt that the brand is not always as the for front of the design, with the logo being ever present, through out each page, with each page following a similar layout, helps the brand recognition in that way. I wanted to push the idead of interactivity, and this is seen in the weekender text layout specifically.. each sections homepage is defined by a background colour.. which helps to define the navigation of the web site.