Friday 25 May 2012



During this module I feel I have developed as a designer considerably. I have become more aware of how the little things make a big difference, specifically with reference to typographic skills, weather editorial layouts or creating way finding, having an awareness of typography is a fundamental skill as a designer.
I also feel by design ideology has changed, I am more aware of designing for a purpose weather it be boosting sales of salad cream for Heinz or informing people of the direction to walk in, in the Square mile brief, the purpose behind the design effects your outcomes considerably. I think I have began to apply this skill well, and I am starting to have an understanding of what it takes to create a campaign.

I feel I have better understanding of typography in this module, this has given me more confidence to tackle layouts and publications more efficiently, it is something that I will continue to work on.
I feel I have used a broad range of media through out the module, in the sense that I like to push an idea and as a result a range, I enjoy creating an identity and seeing across a range of media.
Logo development is also something I have enjoyed doing during the course of this module, and I believe it to be strength. I will continue to work on the things I have highlighted to try and make them true strengths as the next projects begin.

Through out the entirety of the module I had very little printed material, which is something that I need to work on as next year develops.  Although this module has been submitted digitally, and thus I believe using mock-ups was appropriate. Looking at my work I think an understanding of colour is something that is starting to improve however I do believe my colour theory could be improved, especially with colour relevancies to certain topics, however during my summer placement I am spending three weeks in a design studio and a couple of days in there in house printing studio, this will hopefully allow me to better understand, colour theory and print as a whole.

During this project I have managed time indifferently I have began doing self initiated briefs, which towards the start of this term were taking up to much of my time. This is something that I need to address, as they could cause me to lose marks in the future.
In the next module I will make sure I book a printing slot and print my work, this will enable me to see my work off screen, something that is important as a designer.
I will also consistently blog next module, I feel as if I am losing design time due to me having to go back and blog, this is something that I need to become better at to deal with the time constraints of next year. I think crit preparation is also an important thing for me to work on, especially in the final brief of this module, I was slightly under prepared for final crit, as a result I missed out on some valuable feedback, something that could develop my designing.

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance- 4
Punctuality- 4
Motivation- 4
Commitment- 4
Quality of Work-3/4
Quantity of Work- 4
Contribution to the group-4

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