Thursday 24 May 2012


This is a follow on from the wayfinidng, being interactive is crucial as it will allow visotrs to explore the square mile of there own accord, as a result i have created an app which allows you to do this. The app itself is category specific so click on the category and the colour scheme and points of intreats change. You simply then pick and land mark and your choice is mapped out for you from you current location.

Here you can see the mock up of the app. i have stayed consistent again with the identity colour scheme and typeface used, apart from the body text being a web friendly one that of helvetica. you can see how the app work you click on the option of the gherkin and the app will direct you to it. In terms of the target audience the app is more relevant than it was 10 years ago as people are becoming more aware of using multimedia. 

close up of the screen, like the white overlay text on the logo, gives it a different image also the simple icons at the bottom make it easier for users to find convinces .

Here you can see the mapping section of the app..this it is designed incorrectly and unfortunately i ran out of time to change it, however there is something wrong with the street view. had a brief crit with lorraine and i need to make the edges of the building less server, which will give it a more realistic fessl. however the design template used at the top works successfully. 

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