Thursday 24 May 2012

Publication Design.

I am proposing 5 publications one for each of the sub catergorys with in this identity.  The publications will be distributed free around Greater london. will be found in coffee shops etc, this will enable the target audience to obtain them as well as stubble across them as well as free posting them to adress with in a 10 mile radisu of the city of london.. the idea behind the publications are simple, simply to inform the reader of the good things going on with in the square. An area that people outside of the mile have lost respect for.


Here is the design of the front cover.. for the title text i have decided to use steelfish. this gives a bold interesting image.  I have followed the layout from the previous letter head.. this will become a strng identity through out the rest of the project and will give a nice identity. The back cover will also join up with this.. whilst the other for publications will do the same, creating a nice image. 

The publication will be monthly hihglighting people of whats going on with in the subcategories. 


Here you can see an example of the first double page spread with in the work.. the publication will consist of high quality imagery, perhaps best utilised by a gloss stock. The heading work well with the underline twice, draws the eyes to the area.  the address for each restaurant will be given as well as telephone numbers.. 
On a monthly basis the mile will in this case keep the same food reviews, this gives the middle class audience a sense of familiarity and there for will get to no the reviewers through there words. something that will give the identity of the mile a postive spin again. 


The black and white photographs i think contrast nicely with the focal point of the food. With this layout i like the way the images go off the page. The white quotations also work well on the images again something for the readers eyes to be drawn to. 

As well as food reviews i have also included adverts advertising other aspects of the mile identity which will only encourage people to come here for alternative reason.. not just cuisine in this case.

Open publication - Free publishing - More adert

Exampples of the mocked up hobbs adverts, thus advertisng mile fashion.

here you can see the fourth double page, this is perhaps my favourite as i think the way the image is layout is strong as well as it being a strong image. 
What i like about the typographic layout is the drops caps and the left aligned, the drops caps add a sense of sophistication to it, even though the body text is times new roman and the drops are steel fish. i think the combination works. 

what you will begin to notice is that the mile cuisine logo is at the bottom of every page this just reminded the reader i guess.. the more places you can get away with putting it the better.

I think left aligned text was the right option in terms of text layout.. it doesn't leave widows etc. especially at a 8.5 times new roman font. the leading is at 11 also. which helps with legibility .

ANother example of advertising the square mile in the publication.. this time architecture. 

The last double page spread of the 22 page publication. again following the same format. 

This is the back cover that wiill match up with the front cover. once put togeather as a publication.. each back cover will have its only individual speel which will descirbe the internals of the book. 

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