Thursday 24 May 2012

Logo Development-City of London

Open publication - Free publishing - More devlopment

Here you can see what perhaps is the most important part of my project.

The task was set to great a logo or identity that every business with in the square mile could use no matter how big or small. Something that would be free of pretentiousness, something the mile is known for.:

The initial stages of the logo i was playing specifically on the square as a whole image or representation for the square mile which makes sense, however i wasn't feeling anything that i was producing. There wasn't that clean coporate edge that i wanted to my work, and what i thought would be best represented by the target audience and sophistication of the mile itself.

It wasn't until i started using gradients that the ideas began to develop. The colours i have used to represent the different sectors with in the square mile... so as well as creating unity under one form.. they are segregated in colour.

This helps potential visitors to the square( which is a main part of my project, to get people to come to the square mile and witness the culture) it helps visitors differentiate.

The final resolutions i think i nice looking, and mange to keep a corporate edge as well as using a slightly serif typeface which adds to the sophistication on the identity, something i think the target audience will appreciate thus giving the correct image.

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