Thursday 24 May 2012


Being a self initated brief we started looking at a selection briefs chosen over the break. The ones that reallly caught my eye were those that were based around branding and identity. Specifically i looked at the City of London D&AD brief and The Design Bridge whisky one, which was based on focusing whisky at the target audience of women. 

After the first session we had come up with over five things that we wanted to achieve in this brief. 
the condensed version of this brief for me is shown below:

1. Creating a solid Brand
2. Creating a large range of products
3. Creating a Publication 
4. Appealing to a target audience that i had not in previous projects. 
5. Using Way Finding in a project. 

Creating a Brief...

The breif i decided to focus my attention on was that of the city of london venture three brief. This was based around re branding the city of london in a postive light. 

With this in mind i have decided to Set myself a brief as below:


The brief was to rebrand the city of London.  Moving way from the negative Stereotype that the public have of the city. Connotations that derive from the financial crash of 2008 as well as the unapproachable feel the city has to outsiders due to its high-end pretentious image. 


Middle classed family's living in greater London. 


LOGO- identity of the square mile. 
PUBLICATIONS- focusing on the positives with in the square mile
PROMOTION- encouraging the audience to visit the square mile. 
WAY-FINDING- directing people around the city of london.
DIGITAL MEDIA-interaction on the web. 

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