Friday 25 May 2012



During this module I feel I have developed as a designer considerably. I have become more aware of how the little things make a big difference, specifically with reference to typographic skills, weather editorial layouts or creating way finding, having an awareness of typography is a fundamental skill as a designer.
I also feel by design ideology has changed, I am more aware of designing for a purpose weather it be boosting sales of salad cream for Heinz or informing people of the direction to walk in, in the Square mile brief, the purpose behind the design effects your outcomes considerably. I think I have began to apply this skill well, and I am starting to have an understanding of what it takes to create a campaign.

I feel I have better understanding of typography in this module, this has given me more confidence to tackle layouts and publications more efficiently, it is something that I will continue to work on.
I feel I have used a broad range of media through out the module, in the sense that I like to push an idea and as a result a range, I enjoy creating an identity and seeing across a range of media.
Logo development is also something I have enjoyed doing during the course of this module, and I believe it to be strength. I will continue to work on the things I have highlighted to try and make them true strengths as the next projects begin.

Through out the entirety of the module I had very little printed material, which is something that I need to work on as next year develops.  Although this module has been submitted digitally, and thus I believe using mock-ups was appropriate. Looking at my work I think an understanding of colour is something that is starting to improve however I do believe my colour theory could be improved, especially with colour relevancies to certain topics, however during my summer placement I am spending three weeks in a design studio and a couple of days in there in house printing studio, this will hopefully allow me to better understand, colour theory and print as a whole.

During this project I have managed time indifferently I have began doing self initiated briefs, which towards the start of this term were taking up to much of my time. This is something that I need to address, as they could cause me to lose marks in the future.
In the next module I will make sure I book a printing slot and print my work, this will enable me to see my work off screen, something that is important as a designer.
I will also consistently blog next module, I feel as if I am losing design time due to me having to go back and blog, this is something that I need to become better at to deal with the time constraints of next year. I think crit preparation is also an important thing for me to work on, especially in the final brief of this module, I was slightly under prepared for final crit, as a result I missed out on some valuable feedback, something that could develop my designing.

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance- 4
Punctuality- 4
Motivation- 4
Commitment- 4
Quality of Work-3/4
Quantity of Work- 4
Contribution to the group-4

YCN-Self Boards

Square MIle - Portfolio Boards

Open publication - Free publishing - More mile

Boards For the range brief- square mile 

Thursday 24 May 2012



The finally pieces to my range for this project is the website, the website would be used by people interested in keeping up to date with news from the square mile, as well as people who thinking of visiting the square mile. Again like the app it would be colour co ordinated dependant on your choice of category.

once the button is pressed you can see how the colour reverse to make the change of page, the colours vary dependant on the idenity of your page. LInks to online media is located left of the page. 

I wanted to give the web site a clean fresh simplistic look, which predominately focused on the colours as well as the logo itself. The large image at the top of the page is designed to draw the onlookers attention. 


This is a follow on from the wayfinidng, being interactive is crucial as it will allow visotrs to explore the square mile of there own accord, as a result i have created an app which allows you to do this. The app itself is category specific so click on the category and the colour scheme and points of intreats change. You simply then pick and land mark and your choice is mapped out for you from you current location.

Here you can see the mock up of the app. i have stayed consistent again with the identity colour scheme and typeface used, apart from the body text being a web friendly one that of helvetica. you can see how the app work you click on the option of the gherkin and the app will direct you to it. In terms of the target audience the app is more relevant than it was 10 years ago as people are becoming more aware of using multimedia. 

close up of the screen, like the white overlay text on the logo, gives it a different image also the simple icons at the bottom make it easier for users to find convinces .

Here you can see the mapping section of the app..this it is designed incorrectly and unfortunately i ran out of time to change it, however there is something wrong with the street view. had a brief crit with lorraine and i need to make the edges of the building less server, which will give it a more realistic fessl. however the design template used at the top works successfully. 


its is very important to have a digital presence whist promoting, as a result i though it appropriate to have a Facebook presence, creating a group on face book allows updates to be shared of things happening and news in the square mile, creating followers etc. which may get people interested in seeing the mile as not just a place of business but indeed of fun.

The layout used is that typical to Facebook, however i added the identity to it also. to give it a recognisable touch.


These are examples of posters that would be used as promotion outside of the square mile, in greater london, focusing on the positives of the mile. for example advertising cultural events etc. It is especially important that these are mocked up in transport links, as 80% of the square miles inhabitance commute daily for work, so getting them to come back social would change the emphasis and persona that the mile has for purely business.

Open publication - Free publishing - More poster

The design of these posters i had to focus on imagery taken from what is going on or what is in the square mile. The typefaces are both relevant for the particular poster, ballet has a slightly seifed type which fits in with that of the logos.Where as the steelfish is used for the architecture one. i went for a simpltic approach while keeping the branding consistent through out the project with the square in the corner.


This is an example of a t-shirts that could be worn by people that work in th attractions with in the square as uniform, being recognisable to visitors, as a result they would be recognisable to help people with in the square mile. for example in this case someone working at st. pauls cathedral


The way-finding part of this project is about creating a sense of familiarity to the new visitors of to the square mile, as a result of this it is important to keep with the same colour schemes of the identity that is starting to take shape.
The way finding will direct people around the the square mile direct them to and from landmarks dependant on the there choice of category with in the mile.

What is important is to start the way finding with designing a basic map of the mile that can be applied through out the section.. i will keep it simple and it will vary in colour dependant on the situation it is seen in.

This is the basic map i have created that can now be edited and coloured. Steelfish is now becoming the title typeface through out the project, due to its bold yet relevant style. 


HERE is the initial development for the first piece of street way-finding, i want the map to be just about at head hight, and i want the structure to look relatively dominating in the enviroment. Getting the position of the logo was difficult however the lat one is about right. this can now be applied through out the categories. Steel fish is the typeface of choice due to consistency. 

Here you can see the complete wayfinding collection for the street based on colour, they will be directing you to to place of interest dependant of the category they represent. This is about getting fresh visitors to the square mile interacting with the environment as much as anything. Not to mention the colours are hard to ignore, resulting in people perhaps coming in to the building/restaurant out of intreat. 

Close ups of the maps and type face, the arrow is representative of the direction which one would need to travel, all though i have tried to keep it as square as possible, making reference to the square mile. red dot on the map is representative of where you are. 

As a collection.

This piece of way finding would been seen on a smaller scale, perhaps in a building-Museum. this is about directing you to convinaces. as a result icons were essestial. However i have still kept the same identity through out. 

I have tries to keep the icons as universal as possible without causing confusion.etc. the square arrows work in this case however i am not convinced if you were to put them into the environment, as they are limited on movement, in terms of looking good. 

Also considering public transport in and out of the square mile is important especially as most of london  dont drive in london. again a simple i con used. 

This gives an idea on size and scale of the signage, the aim was for everyone to be able to see the signage comfortably. 

Two examples of wall based way-finding, using the same principles but mocked up on the wall with in a car park, i especially like the top one. the use of colour really draws attention and makes the idenity incredibly distincitve.  Where as the bottom was just poor colour choice. 

Again this gives you a sense of scale for the wayfinding with in this project. 

Publication Back Covers

These are the other front and back covers to the four other proposed publications, as you can see they all follow the same identity, which gives a sense of familiarity to the potential readers of the publication. I believe the gradients that are used on the logos work well as eye catching book covers, its also give the impression of lean and corporate, which ads to the officality of the publications.