Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Concept,Content,Method of Delivery

Above are the concept boards for the first crit. As you can see from the concept i have come up with a different, and what i hope to be amusing approach, to dealing with the heavy work load on this course for next years freshers. The theory behind the concept, is that:

Being Socially awkward = No Friends = More time to work = a 1st. 

As a result of this, the content is going to be a book/guide to being socially awkward, or socially inappropriate  to alienate yourself for your new group of peers. 

The method of delivery will be a book, with heavy influences from survival guides and how to guides. this will add a hint of irony to the outcome. 

After the crit, i came back with good feedback, they thought it was an amusing concept, and a strong way of portraying it. However i had to be careful to offend with the books content. 

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