Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Vecotring images

The next stage in the process is to start drawing the images to represent the action. I want them to be simple black drawings, relevant to the awkward situation. i want simple vectors, as i don't want to take away, from the main body of the page which is the instruction on how to be socially awkward. They don't have to be directly relevant to the writing,  the images are really just there to remind the reader of the situation. The vectors are shown below:

The Batman

For this vector i wanted, to simple have the batman symbol, the writing is all about dressing up as batman on the first day to create friction between you and your peers. the reason for choosing the symbol is that it doesn't give away what the text says. 

White Supremacy

For this vector i was slightly more obvious, White supremacy is somewhat more difficult to illustrate without being, potentially, insulting as a result i took influence from the i love NY t shirts, and applied this to nazi's. which is what the text is about. 

So You Think You Can Dance 

For this vector, i wanted just a simplistic figurative diagram, not giving away to much about the content of the text, which is about embarrassing yourself on the dance floor. 

This was drawn free hand then scanned in. 

Big Fat Gypsy 

This was the most difficult vector to do, it took, along time and even now i am not entirely happy with it, getting the perspective right, was difficult. It obviously, reflects the travelling side to gypsies. 

Builders With A Difference 

This vector doesn't make the contents obvious at all, and it is playing on the builders bum, this is perhaps my favourite vector in terms of it not letting on to the contents of the text. 

The Sick Trick 

This vector is just playing on the name i have given the socially awkward action. I think perhaps it could be re thought, as it has very little relevance to the action. However i like it as an image. 

If Looks Could Kill

I think as an image, this leaves a lot to the imagination, however i think it adds to the humour of the writing. As it gives the impression of stalking someone. I like the way this image compliment the humour in the text. 

Breakfast,Lunch And Dinner 

This like the previous set of vectors adds to the humour of the text, and as a pages will work well, as it is a flat image, which will compliment the layout i have chosen to use. 

Prison Tales

This i think is the most visually appealing vector, i think the style of the simple line drawing, makes the image stand out from the page well, it is also quite a powerful image, which will be easily remembered. 

Is That You?

This vector is simply playing on the text, representing a deodorant can. 

Social Status 

Using the Facebook logo, as a vector gave meaning to the title 'Social Status' which is effective. Will also help to readers to remember the contents as its such a well known logo. 

Divine Right

This vector was constructed using tattoo diagrams, i think it gives a nice finish to the final image. I like the heavy black used, its something that i may use on more of the vectors. 

Death Collector 

This image has been live traced, which surprisingly doesn't look out of place from the rest of the vectors, as a result i decided to uses it, as the image is strong. 

The Hoarder 


The inspiration for this vector has come from the film Napoleon Dynamite, the vector is relevant due to the t-shirt the main character wares through out the film. The text will look strong on the page. 

Copy Cat

Vectoring The cartoon cat, top cat, has relevance, due to the title of the page, is a good looking image. The image itself gives a sense of purposeful action, which is what a copy cat would do. 

I think as a set of Vectors they help portray the message in the writing without giving to much a way. The also work in harmony with the text, in creating humour which is the really the soul purpose of the book. 

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