Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Front Cover Design.

For the front cover i wanted to, create something that embodied awkwardness in a way, along with an eye catching cover to attract readers. I think its important that final product isn't something that readers would not throw away immediately. I also wanted to stay consistent through out to the formality of the book, along with taking inspiration from the how to and survival guides that are already on sale.

Looking at the design boards above, i think the strongest ones, are where the legibility is tested, as this adds a certain degree of awkwardness. Early on in the in project, i decided that black and white vectors and pages, of the inside of the book, would add to the image i was trying to portray. However i think colour on the outside of the book, will help draw peoples attention. I think the first two cover designs demonstrate to much colour, and thus i decided to avoid using them. Using the text that i am using through out the book on front cover is important in creating design consistency. 
Looking at the text layout and all round image of the front cover, i decided to go with the last two on the bottom design board as the front and back cover. The two lines are meant to add colour and to give the impression the the text is closed off by something or 'standing alone' The legibility of stand alone, is awkward, however is still perfectly legible. 

From a design point of view, the two lines, when the book is constructed will create a continuos flow over the front and back cover, which will look strong.  

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