Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Choosing a Typeface.

The typeface i use i needs, to give the underlining impression of formality, however, i want it to be very legible, and not italicised. here are some type tests. All the type is at 18pt, this is due to all the titles being written at this size.

The typefaces i have marked, are the ones i think have potential to work in my book, However i think Silom is to bold, although it does give a sense of awkwardness, but this is something that i am not really looking for, for this project. For me its between Lucida Fax and minion pro.  I think it is minion pro that better portrays the formality that i am trying to achieve. It also will have better legibility at a smaller pt size as it is not so condensed. 

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