Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Final Product

Here is the final book. As a whole i think the book has been successful, however at print there were some issues that arose, the front cover was not done double sided, so this is something that could be improved, also the centre pages became out of line, which was very frustrating. The image of the book, is how i wanted, and i like the way the front cover looks, the stock used was simply a heavier white paper. It was my intention to print off white, however i believed the matt white gave to book the image of seriousness, like that of a text book, which is what i was trying to achieve. I like the first two pages especially as it gives the immediate impression of severity, which is important before the humours inner pages.
As a whole i think the image of the book is good, however with more time i would make certain adjustments to alignment of the centre pages.

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