Wednesday 25 May 2011

Indesign Workshop and Breif

I was completely learning a new skill, before the indesign workshop, as a result i took screen shots of the processes involved to help remember, these are shown below.

All these process will help me get to grips with in design.

The InDesign Brief.

For this breif we were given partners with in the set, and asked to interview them, and construct some writing of atleast 300 words. We had to produce a double page spread including at leas two images, I was given frankie roberts aka frankie brown. 
The interview is shown below. 

Frankie ­brown was born in Penbury Royal Infirmary On the 8th of May 1991, weighing 11lbs 3 oz. The labor period for browns mother was a painfully huge 23 hours, this was due to the enormity of Frankie size and width at birth.  This size and width however quickly burnt away, and now at 20 years of age, Frankie stands a tidy 5ft 6inches, weighing in at 8.1 stone.

Brown originates from Cranbrooke, in Kent and is one of 8176 of the population. Brown now splits her time between Cranbrooke and Leeds, where she studies Graphic design, at the Leeds College of art and design. Brown informs me, that she is considered one of the top young female graphic designers in country, always giving 100 percent to living the GD dream.

Brown enjoys the lash, and socially she accepted by people from all walks of life. Browns favorite crowd is the Jungle, Drum and Bass crowd with its heavy beats and reggae vibes..Safe.  However it was on a slightly more mainstream night that brown pants ran into her other half, the cog to her wheel, her Lilly among the thorns, Ollie Cassel. When asked to describe their first meeting, she refused and went red. Its very apparent for all Graphic design students to see however, that there love is beginning to blossom, and we wish them both the best of luck in the future. When asked to comment on her future, Frankie said she envisaged herself somewhere hot, when I then asked for an example of a place, she replied:

Brown enjoys travelling, and considers herself a bit of a free spirit, she says she has deep spiritual connection with the Lady Boys of Bangkok, and continues to travel back there annually, to visit her best girlfriend A-wut, (translated: Bruce) Bruce and her spend weeks travelling the islands of Thailand and Cambodia on Mopeds. Frankie believes that this is where she gets a lot of the inspiration for her simplistic, modernist graphic design. From this interview we have obtained a deeper understanding into the life and times of Frankie brown.

I then began developing the article itself, i wanted to incorporate frankies personality with the layout and general design. here are some of my initial attempts.  

i began to realise that i was designing for myself, and not so much frankie, as result i decided to take a more normal approach. However i i do like the last image above, i think shows a bold simplistic style, something that i like.

Developing the final outcome.  

I wanted to go for a simple but accurate layout, using certain a colour scheme of white yellow and black the images i changed to fit this colour scheme, as a final resolution i think it is successful.The typeface used and the colour scheme were all used due to them being frankies preferences.  Putting together all the individually made aspects of the dps was relatively difficult however, but i believe i achieved what i wanted.  this is shown below. 

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