Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Book layout

This post is looking at applying all the aspects worked on separately into the the final layout design for the book. Its bringing together all aspects, to create an effective layout, that gives the sense of formality, with basic images cementing the point behind the text. its important that all off the aspects on the page show consistency in layouts and spacing.  The size of the book i am going to make is A5, i think this will add to its formality, as its specifically not a size that is easy to carry around in a pocket, as a size that shows purpose, in the sense that you purposely have to put into your bag to use it. It is this purpose that a user of the book, would have. As he/she is purposefully trying to alienate themselves. It also allows me to rights a fair amount, without using a typeface that is to small.

Page Construction-1

Here i have added the boarders, i will uses these as guides as well as the rule marks on the page. The Boarders will help to finish the page, in terms of image. Especially as the colour scheme is black and white. 

Page Construction-2

The next aspect of the page i am adding is the text, this has to be perfectly alined with each other to create an effective end product,visually. I used the rulers as u can see below. The text sits around 3/4 of the way down the page, this leaves room for the next parts. The text has been centred and alined to fit the page, creating a square. This adds to the formality and neatness of the outcome. 

Page Construction-3 

On the above image you can see, i have added the boxes that the title of the page and the socially awkward rating sit in. I have used the rules to create alignment again. The thickness of the lines are 1pt this so when the images are added at 2pt the lines do not draw the eye away from them. 

Page Construction- 4

The next stage shows the titles going in, they again are aligned with each other. They are minion pro 18pt, unlike the main body of type which is a 12pt. This draws eyes to the title. The spacing between letter is adjusted if the title is to big for the box. the size of the box will no change throughout the process.  You can see the page starting to take shape now. I like the way the layout is looking and i think it defiantly achieves the formality i was looking for. 

Page Construction-5

Here you can see the final page layout. all the images and parts of the page are lined up against each other, and sized perfectly. I Think as the final image show, you can really see where i took influence from survival guides etc. I think it creates an pleasing final layout, which demonstrates formality. The typeface used also is very effective both as titles and for the main body of text. The rest of the double page spreads are showed below. 

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