Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Primary Research

After the crit, i thought it was important, to get a body of primary research, as this would allow me to get some of the content of my book. So Socially awkward actions, or body language. As i wanted the content,  to be universally appealing. If it was just what i found socially awkward it maybe not so.

I decided to construct a questionnaire, focusing on 6 sub categories of social awkwardness. these categories are:

1. Clothing
2. Drinking/Going Out
3. Chatting up the Opposite Sex
4. Your Hobbies/interest
5. You're Past History
6. Anything else Awkward

The questionnaire is shown below:

This questionnaire was completed  and returned by 48 people, i then from here took what i though was the 20 best, taking a few from each subcategory and then from there i would narrow it down to 16.  16, was the number suggested to me in the second crit, which made sense due to the time constraints.


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