Tuesday 24 May 2011

Speaking from Experience-Intial Layout Ideas.

I began exploring potential layouts, for the the main contents of the book. these are shown below.

What i wanted to achieve from the layout and design, was something that appeared on the surface very formal, until the content was read. Like explained earlier, i took a lot of inspiration from how to guides. I think this is shown as i began to develop some of the initial layouts.

I think these six layouts, all show to a certain extent, the formality and aims, that i am trying to achieve, however some are stronger than others, for the simplicity that i am trying to achieve in design. I think the weakest is the third one down, its shows something that would be more appropriate in a magazine. In contrast, i think one standards out as being the most relevant to what i am trying to achieve.  And thats the fourth one down. This will allow the vectored image to take centre stage with eyes drawn to it immediately, it doesn't haven't a sense of over crowding the page, and the boarder around the outside adds to the page nicely.  The two title sections, allow's me to come up with names for each  of the socially awkward actions that i will be demonstrating. The second title section, will allow me to come up with a rating system, on how socially awkward each action is. This will be determined by how quickly it will make you lose friends and how difficult it is to be successful at the action. As a result i have decided to develop further this layout.
The next stage is to pick a typeface, that will be used through out the book. 

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