Wednesday 30 November 2011

Word Association Task- Bounce/Snap

-Word Association Task-SNAP

-20 Other Related Words

·      Crack
·      Fracture
·      Give Way
·      Part
·      Split
·      Click
·      Crack
·      Pop
·      Bite
·      Gnash
·      Nip
·      Snatch
·      Bark
·      Growl
·      Snarl
·      Seize
·      Clutch
·      Grab
·      Jerk
·      Explosion
·      Bang
·      Clap

-20 Meanings/Interpretations

·      The dog the snapped
·      To make a brisk snapping sound
·      To give way under pressure or tension
·      To suffer a physical or mental break down
·      To bring jaws quickly or briskly together
·      To speak abruptly or sharply
·      Snapping to attention
·      Snapping shut or together
·      Snap a whip
·      Snap, crackle, pop
·      Snaps-photography
·      Ginger Snap
·      Cold snap
·      Informal briskness, liveliness or energy
·      Merry Poppins- spoons.
·      Snap decision
·      Snap shot
·      To seize something suddenly or quickly
·      Snap play
·      Snap beans

-20 Situations

·      The dog the snapped in the park
·      The tree snapped
·      To the deck gave way under the pressure
·      To solider mentally snapped
·      The shark snapped his jaws down quickly
·      The parent snapped at his child
·      The solider snapped to attention
·      The door snapped shut
·      The whip snapped over the horses back
·      Rice crispiest. snap crackle and pop
·      I took a snap.
·      Ginger Snaps were eaten
·      Cold snap blew over
·      He snapped about the place.
·      Merry Poppins song.. lyrics spoon full of sugar.
·      He made a snap decision on the matter
·      He shut his eyes and took a snap shot
·      He snapped it up
·      The team made a snap play
·      The snap beans were growing in the garden

-Word Association Task-Bounce 

·      Bob
·      Bound
·      Bump
·      Jump
·      Leap
·      Move about
·      Rebound
·      Recoil
·      Ricochet
·      Spring
·      Bouncy
·      Dynamism
·      Elasticity
·      Vitality
·      Vivacity
·      Zip
·      Vigor
·      Buoyancy
·      Jerk
·      Cheerfulness
·      Happiness
·      Exuberance

-20 Meaning /Interpretations

·      To rebound after having struck an object/surface
·      To move jerkily
·      To bound into a room
·      The check that bounced
·      Baseball to hit the ball along the ground
·      The pellets bounced back.
·      Bounced a few ideas off each other
·      Slang- bounce on the dance floor
·      To expel by force
·      A rebound
·      Bounce back from a low point
·      To change location
·      To start a game of Aussy rules
·      To get people to leave and area
·      Bounce a well known cleaning product
·      To have a air of style or fashion
·      A dance move practiced by bad dancers to find rhythm
·      When you have sex
·      Let bounce those fools-fight
·      Propelling yourself in a jumping motion

-20 Situations

·      The ball rebounded back from the floor
·      The car bounced along the road
·      He bounced/bound into a room
·      The bank check bounced
·      The bats man hit the ball across the ground
·      He shot the shot gun against the wood and the pellets ricochet
·      We bounced a few ideas off each other
·      I bounced on the dance floor
·      The bouncer kicked him out
·      He hit the ball against the post and it rebounded
·      He was playing badly now he’s bounced back
·      He bounced to a new location
·      The bounced the ball to start the game
·      Force someone out of an area
·      The bounce was under my sink
·      Mannnnn he got bounce.
·      I cant dance I have to bounce
·      Ummm I bounced her..
·      Lets bounce those fooolls aka fight
·      I bounced around

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