Saturday 19 November 2011

What is good- Poster Publication

For this project, i think it is important to get the message of the red phone box being destroyed, and start a petition to save it from destruction. The aim of the publication will really be to play on the national identity of people with in local councils around the UK.  With in the publication i want to demonstrate how the red phone box is part of British heritage, and cant not be got rid of due to budget cuts with in BT.
The format i have decided to do this in is something that needs to be readily available with in communities.. so something that will appear in pubs,post offices etc. The format needs to be representative of this. I have decided to go with and A1 fold out piece of information, much like tourist maps, etc. however on the reverse will be something that, the reader to keep, a poster they can put up in there own homes, or in the community, to spread the word of the red box revolution.

I want the style of the publication to be relatively minimal, unlike the the normal publications you see in this kind of situation, i will have a relatively simplistic layout that will, give the history or the red phone box, and play on the national identity in this fashion. the colour scheme will be consistent through out, like it has been through out the project. 

i will split the a1 piece of paper into 16 a5 sections, somewhat like giving me with 16 individual pages of a book. 

Front Page

As this is the front page of the publication i think it needs to sent the tone of the rest of the publication, i am going to work with the logo, that has been designed earlier on with in the project. 

The front page will look like this.. this is just a play on the the previous logo for this project, using the box as a abstract image for the red phone box has been consistent through out the project, i think this portray s the image i was wanting, as i the idea of taking the project in its literal sense i think looks average and will take away from the intrigue for the on looker... i like the way that this abstract group of squares, look, especially when it comes to stock and print decisions. Finding the right stock will really allow this style of design to look effective. The stock will have to hold the black ink well.. this will almost give a texture quality to the the final outcome. 

This is the logo as it will appear on the front will pose a statement to the on looker.. "show your national identity" through research of this project i have discovered that Britain has a very strong national identity... and this is something that your stereotypical british man/woman should be interested in.. which should cause interest. I think the logo itself, now it has been taken back to just the text is effective as it can really be applied anywhere. which i believe makes a successful logo, i think it links well with the abstract design on the front the page. as it is two contrasting images. formal and abstract. 

Front cover image, standing alone, is not so successful.

 Changing the predominate colour in the colour scheme is not as strong, i think having the black as the base colour is crucial for the general effectiveness of the final publication. 

Looking at a less successful layout, i think the dominate feature on the page, has to be the image.. and taking up the majority of the page is important, as it will draw attention. The smaller it gets the more corporate i think the page looks, which isn't necessarily what i want for this project. 

This shows the front page with out the image, i don't believe that gives a visually strong enough final wouldn't give enough interest to the on looker, and being as these publications will be seen in public places, they need to be eye catching. 

keeping the layout consistent through out is crucial for the final outcome to be effective. the front cover will have slightly different spacings.

Page One 

The first page will be based around highlighting the types of phone boxes there are and when they were created this will gives an idea of the history on the topic. The layout i really want to be simple again on the this make, keeping in with the black and red colour scheme. 

This the complete page, simple layout, keeping the text consistent through out,, using helvetica bold and helvetica light.. at either 60 pt or 10 pt. underneath the 'k's' is the established date, when they were made. I think this layout of the text is nice, allowing a large amount of white space on the page, which makes the type stand out effectively. 

Examples of the two column of text, they established dates below vary a little in layout which i think makes from a more interesting image.

This is an example of the title of this section of the these will appear at all new sections of the publication, i have followed the same typeface as the logo and the entirety of the publication.. highlighted with the line across the top it add something to the general image of the outcome. the location of the title, will vary from top to bottom. 

How the final layout will look on the page. 

DIfferent colour schemes for the next, using red is far to strong, although i think keeping red to a minimum is important, with in each page, i will simple use it to highlight, and i don't want it to take away from the title of each section. 

keeping the layout the same, through out, creating my own columns of the same width. 

Page Three

Here you can see the complete page for the amount of phone boxes by type of phone box in the uk, the layout i wanted to keep consistent, like the previous pages, these are designed to give the reader an idea of how many phone boxes there are in the uk, as part of our heritage. The layout is simple and i used the same typeface through out the page.

This is entitled redbox numbers, as explained earlier.. i m making sure the edge of the title is in line with the line to create a crisper finish. 

Examples of the mage layout, following the same as the previous page. Helvetica bold with helvetica light below. These two pages create the image i am trying to portray well simplistic, limited colour palette just using phone box read to highlight important aspects of the publication through out.

Page Four

This page is simply to reiterate the fact that BT are planning to get rid of over half the red phone boxes in the UK.. bold type and an explanation below, will get this point across. It will also allow when printed for the facts to take centre stage, without over complication. 

Simple bold type will take the the focal point of the page. 

Encouraging the readers to be part of the revolution, i have used the swatch red to highlight certain areas of the text that are relevant. 

 consisted through out the publication,  giving the tile to the page, simply highlights what the page is about.

Page 5/6/7

These are the first pages of full text, on the publication. The layout if the text pages are kept consistent though out, with the spacings.. The images used, are following the same trend as the rest of the project, using a slightly abstract view of a red phone box, i have kept the images black and white and edited them slightly in photo shop to create the desired effect.. and keeping consistent with the colour scheme. Keeping the photos red would over power the rest of the publication. 

Page 8/9/10/11

The centre page of the publication is being Used to hold the information graphics of this project, this is based around highlight the historical relevance of the phone box and how long it has been around for, there will be a later post on the info graphics. I wanted it to keep the same colour scheme and keep in a tone with the rest of the publication in terms of style.

Page 12/13/14/15

Again keeping the same layout bar the images, which vary slightly between pages, i think the in consistency of the images adds some more interest to what could be perceived as a dull layout, i have made sure a good amount of white space is kept on the page, this encourages the reader to read. 


Again some abstract images of the phone box, add intrigue to the reader. 

This is penultimate page of the project, simply encouraging people to back the cause, again using the same style of simplicity. in the same way that page four did. 

Final Page. 

This page is a simple central layout, unlike the others, this will hopefully keep people interested in at this is where you find out how to vote for the red box, this is highlighted with on the page to draw attention.. 

The layout itself i believe has been a success i think, i want the print to highlight the simple layout and make the black pop as well as the red, the stock will be very important, in giving the print texture, this has also got to be a double sided print as well, so has to hold a double sided print out as well, and the GSM cant be to high as the pages will be folded over each other. 

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