Thursday 10 November 2011

Further Logo Development

After the first mini brief of this project, i was unsatisfied with my outcome of the logo, as a result before i really get into designing my product and promotion for this project i needed to nail down the logo. I have decided to start a fresh with a relatively clear mind. Taking into consideration legibility, and simplicity. 

I began the process by playing with type and image and seeing what developed taking into consideration my past logo. 

As you can see from the initial ideas above i am simply playing with the text and a basic image to back the text up, but not completely take the red phone box in its literal form.  i like the way the later of the logos above are beginning to look. having a set of boxes,creates a nice image, however what really makes the logo directly above stand out is the type face used, with a simple helvetica bold and light, working together, looks simple and effective. 

After deciding on the typeface and style on type, i think it is now more important to look at the image to accompany the type. and work on that. the idea of using a simple boxes in a certain layout fits in with the image that i really want to portray. i will continue to develop these in different ways. 

the one above in terms of image and not type i believe to be the most successful so far.  i like the way the box adds perspective to the logo. However i want something that suggest by looking at the logo, a stronger identity. 

This logo above with the first one i thought i could begin to develop further. and these developments are shown below. 

Adding the logo to the black background really makes it stand out, as well as layering the boxes, which i actually took from the original logo to give perspective to the logo. 

i became un sure on the the italic red box, but the weighting was important to make red box stand out as this is the focus of the entire project... the red phone box. 

This was the most successful of the logos. using the opacity to create a slight perspective. as well as dropping the opacity on the  type and on the and revolution.. making red box pop.

The logo above is something that could be applied effectively to all pieces of design for this project as the image has been taken away, as result further designs will not be effected visually. The identity of the logo and the "brand" are not effected with out the use of the image. and it is this that i will continue to use and develop as the project goes on. 

Above is what the logo will look like on pieces of current on going designs. i have replaced the one colour logo with a two colour one highlighting "Red Box" further. Using the red pantone from the phone box itself. I believe this looks and gives a strong identity and after evaluating the original logo i am now satisfied with the outcome. 

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