Monday 21 November 2011

What is good-Print Tests


For the publication i need to find a stock that will both hold well the limited black colour palette of the layout side as well as the reds of the poster side, whilst having a relatively low gsm.. i also think that a slight off white will be effective.. In terms of the colour scheme on the poster side, using tints with a spot colour in the middle will make the entire image stronger. 

On this stock the images come out. to dark as the paper sakes up the ink to much, this is a newsprint, which would also have a gsm that is to light. 

Good example of the ink looking, strong on the page. The ink hold well and the colours look good on the paper colour.

From the print tests i have discovered that i am going to go with cartridge paper, this allows the ink to hold well, and it gives the ink texture on the page which i like, the only problem may occur is that the gsm is to high, as a result the folding process will need to be perfect. 


For the poster i wanted to use a wide range of stocks to test, including coloured to try and make the poster stand out more, as although i believe it to be visually interesting it is very hard edged in the sense that is conceptual, and may not be considered "beautiful" 

I believe the most successful resolutions here are the off white stock, as it allows the red to look strong in comparison to the others, The antique white heavy is my favourite for the poster, although i would be concerned if this was going into the outside environment as the gsm is low. So this needs to be take into to consideration...

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