Monday 21 November 2011

What Is good-Info Final Back Publication/Poster

It was very important that this poster was highly recognisable as it would for the basis for the identity of the campaign for audiences, i wanted to keep it relatively abstract to cause intrigue, when seen, but i also needed the poster to be eye catching and something that people would want to put up in there homes or in public places, as it formed part of the back of the publication. I wanted to work with basic shapes or 3d shapes.. Using the colour palette of the red phone boxes.

I began exploring the basic shapes of squares..

Using 3d for the first was difficult, it was hard to get the desired angle and colour tones, but i developed the idea.

This is close to the right angle, however it is slightly out of line to the left... i also needed to to start changing the colours of the squares to match the phone box pantones. 

This closer to the colour scheme required, i have began to think about the layout of the poster here as well.. putting the logo into the piece.. i am still not sure about the angle of the image, as i don't believe the composition will be strong. there is no doubt that these colours will produce a strong final outcome if the print process/stock is correct. I will think about using a spot colour for the centre square. 

Again close, looking at different colour back grounds. 

Good type layout here, like the redbox being centralised between the edge of the image and the edge of the page. 

2d could potentially look more effective in terms of composition. 

Other example of cutting out the central parts of the squares, i think this creates n interesting composition, however it is not appropriate here as i want to get as much out of the print visuals as possible. 

** After the development stage i have decided to continue with the the 2 dimensional process, using the colour scheme with the darker tones, i believe this will allow a better, although flatter print finish, i will need to put influence on stock, to get a more in depth resolution. 

And the winner is!!

i believe the poster and layout below, would work best as both the back of the publication and as a general poster in the community, it is eye catching, as long as the print process chosen is correct, i will have to use stock which allows depth in the image, as well as being able to be folded over 16 times, as the final outcome is a folded a1 as a result the gsm needs to hod the ink.. 

The general layout leaves a lot of white space, which highlights the recognisable image and also the the text, this is perfect for its usage, the more legible and eye catching the better. 

The components of the poster fit in with the whole project so far, simple but if printed well, eye catching.
This will be used in the public domain both as a poster and as the back of the publication. 

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