Wednesday 30 November 2011

Word Association Task- Bounce/Snap

-Word Association Task-SNAP

-20 Other Related Words

·      Crack
·      Fracture
·      Give Way
·      Part
·      Split
·      Click
·      Crack
·      Pop
·      Bite
·      Gnash
·      Nip
·      Snatch
·      Bark
·      Growl
·      Snarl
·      Seize
·      Clutch
·      Grab
·      Jerk
·      Explosion
·      Bang
·      Clap

-20 Meanings/Interpretations

·      The dog the snapped
·      To make a brisk snapping sound
·      To give way under pressure or tension
·      To suffer a physical or mental break down
·      To bring jaws quickly or briskly together
·      To speak abruptly or sharply
·      Snapping to attention
·      Snapping shut or together
·      Snap a whip
·      Snap, crackle, pop
·      Snaps-photography
·      Ginger Snap
·      Cold snap
·      Informal briskness, liveliness or energy
·      Merry Poppins- spoons.
·      Snap decision
·      Snap shot
·      To seize something suddenly or quickly
·      Snap play
·      Snap beans

-20 Situations

·      The dog the snapped in the park
·      The tree snapped
·      To the deck gave way under the pressure
·      To solider mentally snapped
·      The shark snapped his jaws down quickly
·      The parent snapped at his child
·      The solider snapped to attention
·      The door snapped shut
·      The whip snapped over the horses back
·      Rice crispiest. snap crackle and pop
·      I took a snap.
·      Ginger Snaps were eaten
·      Cold snap blew over
·      He snapped about the place.
·      Merry Poppins song.. lyrics spoon full of sugar.
·      He made a snap decision on the matter
·      He shut his eyes and took a snap shot
·      He snapped it up
·      The team made a snap play
·      The snap beans were growing in the garden

-Word Association Task-Bounce 

·      Bob
·      Bound
·      Bump
·      Jump
·      Leap
·      Move about
·      Rebound
·      Recoil
·      Ricochet
·      Spring
·      Bouncy
·      Dynamism
·      Elasticity
·      Vitality
·      Vivacity
·      Zip
·      Vigor
·      Buoyancy
·      Jerk
·      Cheerfulness
·      Happiness
·      Exuberance

-20 Meaning /Interpretations

·      To rebound after having struck an object/surface
·      To move jerkily
·      To bound into a room
·      The check that bounced
·      Baseball to hit the ball along the ground
·      The pellets bounced back.
·      Bounced a few ideas off each other
·      Slang- bounce on the dance floor
·      To expel by force
·      A rebound
·      Bounce back from a low point
·      To change location
·      To start a game of Aussy rules
·      To get people to leave and area
·      Bounce a well known cleaning product
·      To have a air of style or fashion
·      A dance move practiced by bad dancers to find rhythm
·      When you have sex
·      Let bounce those fools-fight
·      Propelling yourself in a jumping motion

-20 Situations

·      The ball rebounded back from the floor
·      The car bounced along the road
·      He bounced/bound into a room
·      The bank check bounced
·      The bats man hit the ball across the ground
·      He shot the shot gun against the wood and the pellets ricochet
·      We bounced a few ideas off each other
·      I bounced on the dance floor
·      The bouncer kicked him out
·      He hit the ball against the post and it rebounded
·      He was playing badly now he’s bounced back
·      He bounced to a new location
·      The bounced the ball to start the game
·      Force someone out of an area
·      The bounce was under my sink
·      Mannnnn he got bounce.
·      I cant dance I have to bounce
·      Ummm I bounced her..
·      Lets bounce those fooolls aka fight
·      I bounced around

Tuesday 29 November 2011

After Effects Workshop

created originally for video post production.. can import photoshop and illustrator documents, including layers etc, and manipulated them separately. 

the yellow line suggests that this section is highlighted

Where the layers will be seen.. 

box used to play back

where the composition will be stored during the design process

Different windows like illustrator etc, keep on standard for now.

compostions is when you upload your art work etc, new project will just give a blank screen

in this country we use pal.. in the states ntsc.. this is due to the frames per second. 

Duration is also important to look at...

Allows you to change an existing composition 

important box for adding layers..etc

changing the pixels is important

Shows layers..

zooming in and out of the time scale from seconds to frames

this red line is where u allocate how much time this layer has on the fional video... do this by dragging it. 

to isolate layers, double clock on them. then alter

where you play back the video.. using the preview bar, allows you to listen to sound as well.

this effects what you see in terms of quality, if you use it on a quarter your computer wont run as slowly.

this are some of the transform options underneath the the arrows.

this is key frame, this creates movement to the layer. you click on the stop watch and then alter the image as to where u want the movement to occur on the timeline. If there is more case between key frames they go faster and closer they go slower. 
It is possible to copy and paste key frames.. on to new layers just by clicking certain layers. this will allow you to have certain aspects of the image, to move fade in and out etc. 
Short cuts on the transform keys are..p is position.. s is scale.. and t does opacity the only one that is different. 

if you select all the layers you can transform all of the layers at the same time. 
short cuts i and o.. these change you from one end of the layer to another.. as in in and out. 
The U key exposes all of the layer transformations in the layers column.

Cmd and d duplicate layers!

you can use the pen tool like in illustrator to edit the anchor point of the curve etc. this alters the movement. 

 when you export something, make sure you export the whole work area, you are working in. 


Tuesday 22 November 2011


1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Through out the module I have learnt a great deal, I have a much greater understanding of the print processes along with an appreciation for how greatly my design can be effect by print choices. As well as my layout skills that I developed greatly when working on the publication I did for this project.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

In this project I have been much more concise with my decision making, which has allowed me to spend more time on final outcomes. I also was able to explore print in terms of stock checks etc, this will help in the future and something that I will continue to develop. I have also allowed the primary research to effect my final outcome a lot more in this project which is something that is important in greeting effective final outcomes.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The strengths I have found in my work this module is my ability to create a strong layout, something that I enjoy doing, I will continue to develop this skill along with my weaknesses. Another strength is that I feel my research was very strong and effective my final outcome greatly, having a wide knowledge of your chosen subject is important, and I will continue to do this in the future.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

With in my work this module I feel there wasn’t not a wide enough range of products, I think I spent to long working on the layout of the publication and forgot about the range of products. I need to manage my time better to get a wide range of final outcomes. I also believe that my work could be starting to get a little narrow in terms style and colour pallets I think in the next project I defiantly need to use colour in a more vibrant manner.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1.Time Management
Time management is crucial when designing, this project I found myself rushed at the end, as a result it resulted in a small range of products, this will need to be addresses in the future, so I can develop design further.

Be much more consistent with the blogging, this will allow me to spend more time on the project instead of catching up with blogging. As a result work will improve.

 3. Use a wide ranger range of print processes, even though this is the print module I felt as if I was reluctant to try new things, such as foiling, this needs to be addresses in the future.

This although good at the start needs to continue through out the project, so you can get a deeper understanding of the subject, I think this can only influence your design in a positive way.

5. Improve design context, I think having relevant design context in a project can give you a wider range of options when you get to your final designs, in terms of your own personal designs.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.