Wednesday 12 October 2011

What is good- Task 2/3

Last week we developed our concept, and came up with a "good" mine being the red phone box and the national identity it gives the UK.
In this weeks workshop we were asked to bring in the the 10 identities or logos that we got at the end of last session.
From here we were give  time limit of 2 hrs, to develop logo on our good taking inspiration from the logos we gathered last week. 
Every 30 mins we receive instruction to either focus on:

- Image
- Type
- Letter Form 

These are the main considerations when designing a logo or identity.

This session highlighted Some major issues i had with my with my hand rendered design, and was something i need to work on. However we were asked to do 150 logos for next week. 
On average we were meant to try and spend a minute on each logo, it was a good way of getting our ideas down fast. 
 Through out the process i kept the in mind the 2 of the three main elements of the above list, as instructed. 
Another set rule was that, each logo had to vary, there was no variations of one. And that each logo had to relate to my words from the first task, last week. 

These are all part of my 150 logos, i Found it  very challenging task, however, it was rewarding, and i defiantly felt my drawing skills start to come back towards the end. 

The next stage in the process was choosing 10 of our favourite logos the ones i chose are shown below. 

The idea behind this logo was that of the advertisements that go up in phone boxes, these adverts are normally for call girls or nights, i tried to get a heavily corporate style as a tongue in cheek representation of this. 

This was a 3d representation of PL, which was one of my chosen words from the first tasks. I like the way this logo turned out. once vectorised i think would be an interesting logo.

This is not a strong drawing but i really like the idea of the squares that represent the windows on the telephone box, the "red Box" is also an effective abbreviation, and something that people could be familiar with. 

This was meant to represent identity like DNA stands, however i don't think it was particularly effective, what ever happens i want to incorporate a certain degree of national identity into my logo. 

This meant to represent id, identity that the phone box gives britain. this i think is a good logo, but perhaps is it inappropriate for identity of GB. Although the type use represents the boxiness of the phone box well. 

This again is another play on DNA, i like the flow of the logo.

I think this logo, is very visually appealing, i like the bold type, however it has little relevance to the message i am trying to portray, 

the idea behind this is, about recycling phone boxes for alternative uses, i like the idea behind it, however  the type is lacking in consistency,  but i picked it for the idea behind it. 

* The logos where then assessed by by our peers, a designer, always hopes that a client will pick the idea that they also like, and it was this that this exercise was trying to simulate, unsurprisingly, just on looks my peers picked this logo below. 

The idea behind this logo, was working on the box idea, i wanted heavily influenced type from this. when my peers crited the logo briefly, they said i needed to work on legibility. "Box Revolution" was reference to promotional idea, about standing up to BT as they are planning to get rid of many of the phone box in the UK. I Think i will continue to develop this idea, as it evokes emotion, especially with the revolution.


The main aspect of the logo that was chosen for me, i think was the recognisable "box" like style of the type used. In the crit, it was said the legibility of the of the type, especially the x was'nt good. 
As a result my initial action in developing this logo, is to create a more legible typeface, that still represents the box image i am trying to create. 

These letter forms were hand rendered and then scanned and vectored, as a final resolution in the type i think is effective, and i will continue to develop this type and incorporate into a logo, it is important that i get all of the letters, which stand for the "red box revolution" constant, looking at this now, there are certain issues that need addressing. for example the notch out of the b. 

After addressing some of the constancy issues, i believe the final resolution of the type is effective, in creating  "boxy",legible type. The notch reduction on the b also creates a more effective look, as well as making the angles on the top right letters the same, improves how the letters work as a set. 

The next stage in the process is to try an incorporate this type into a logo. 
As a rule i want the final logo, to be representative of the phone box, but not necessarily obvious, i also don't want to over complicate the final outcome. I will start to experiment with this type. 

This is experimenting with interconnecting the letter forms, to add a more fluid, image to the potential final logo,however there is a slight issue with legibility still i think. 

Here i am simply adding text to the letter forms, there needs to be a description of what the RBR stands for, i think that the letter forms still need revising, but i will continue to develop this logo. 

This shows's some of the development, before the type was revised. 

This is a further development of the logo, and you can start to see some effective design, in portraying the identity. 

here i am looking at the edges of the box, and thinking about making them the same angle as the top of the r and the b. however, i think it is time to move on from the logo, and start developing some other ideas.

Here i am starting to incorporate a vector of the phone box into the logo. This maybe considered to literal. 

This is simplifying the logo, i have chosen a typeface this time, which i think best represents "boxiness" but doesn't take away from legibility, like the original logo above was doing. I think the next stage in the process should be trying to incorporate this type face into a final logo, perhaps using image also. I like the way the simplicity of this logo works, however work needs to be done with the kerning etc. 

These are some of the other typefaces considered, i like impact of impact(surprisingly) however it is to elongated, and not boxy enough. the helvetica bold, was almost there, however BLACK BOXX which is what i used, is perfect in the sense of its legibility but wouldn't be over powering in a logo. 

This incorporating both image and text, i like the way that this give the audience more of an idea about what the red box revolution is about. as a final resolution it maybe a little to simple, i think it also gives the impression of being a bit amateur. The strongest of the logos above is the top one, it has the better line weightings and the white space around the red box revolution allows the type to stand out. 

This is just playing with the image, in a 3d format, however i don't like this due to the typeface being to stylised.

again further development on the above logo, with colour and weightings, however its apprant the first one above is still the strongest final resolution. The colour schemes experimented with here, are not appropriate for what i am trying to demonstrate and the used of gradient is not effective. 

This is getting rid of one the lines in the rectangle surrounding the type, and doesn't portray an effective outcome as it over complicates the appearance of the phone box image, however i like the way it adds some flow to the logo..

more experiments, that are not successful. i am now going to develop another logo... i don't like including the phone box as a whole image as i think it is a little to literal. as a result of having a mini crit with loraine, i am going to take an aspect of the phone box and include it, this will be the windows used on the k2 model, so 12 squares. 

This is defiantly initially the most successful logo, i like the way its not entirely obvious, but the colours used on the squares may give some suggestion, as the top left square is the same pantone as the red phone box itself. the typeface comes into its own here, as it gives a clear and concise message, but keeps a certain degree of boxiness from the original hand rendered logo. 

Exploring gradients on the type, i have have also altered the opacity on the squares. I like the way the the red box is is  bigger pt size, and the eye is immediately drawn here. 

Adding the two bordering lines i think over complicates the logo..and wouldn't look as good when applied to packaging etc. 

Other less successful variations, the top logo of this set, defiantly gives the best al round legibility and style and sophisticated image i am trying to portray. 

The chosen logo. That should incorporate different aspects or influences from all the stages of the process from the hand rendered beginning. 


This is a small folder,envelope type thing. 

envelope with astute frontage. 

This is a bottle carrier. 

again a folder, envelop type thing. 

Things to keep in mind when developing the packaging, is the colour scheme, making them work as a set, the position of the logo to get best legibility, tone of voice/message. 

Iam going to start with the development of the asatate envelope. 

This is a selection of the initial development of this net. it shows different colour options as well as different logo position, really pushing the box idea, i think will create effective final outcomes and a good set through out the four nets. so this is what i developed. 

Other failed possibilities, i defiantly think the top one is the most effective and should be developed further. Keeping the colour scheme of red, but using a gradient from dark to light, will create and interesting final outcome. The message portrayed through out the packaging will be a relatively serious one as the tone of voice is to inform, so this needs to be taken into consideration. 

The above net is the final resolution to this net. from the the original i have reduced the size of the squares to fit more on, and this allows the gradient to take more effect on the colour scheme, and reducing the opacity on the squares have also added to this, and allowed me not to break the colour scheme rules. I have also edited the logo, square colour, which i think is more effective, as it makes a statement by having one red box, as this indirectly puts forward the message of joining a protest for standing out from the crowd and joining the revolution. I have also added some propaganda to push the message home. which is situated in a place on the envelope where it i impossible for it not to be recognised. Revolution is done as the stock colour, so cu out using the pathfinder tool on illustrator. So this is not breaking the colour rules. The colour scheme from left to right, finishes in the pantone of the red phone box.  The position of the logo, suggest formality and is effective in terms of showing the message, which is why it is situated where it is. 

The second net i am going to do is the simple folder.

These are some of the development for the second envelope/folder. I think the new logo, is more effective, but it needs to be at one with the type to give clarity, i also want to keep a visual consistency through the four, as a set, as a result i have deicide to apply the patter of squares to all four of the nets, just re sizing and editing the logo, to fit in with the size of each net, which will all be a3. 

The final net. This has the same reasoning behind it as the previous, i think it is more important for the packaging to work as a set than anything else. the logo has been enlarge on this one, to really demonstrate the message of what each piece is about. join the revolution will also be consitant through out. 

This is the most complicated of all the nets, the main logo has been enlarged to it will wrap around the packaging when it is made. The black of the red box, really makes the main body of the logo stand out. which is why this colour scheme was chosen. A spot varnish on the one box of the logo, would look strong if more time was given. 

The same principles are behind this net. as all the others, below you can see how they all work as a set, and i think they will produce some strong final outcomes. The stock is a simple grey card, and as the words revolution have to be stock, this will make them pop, drawing the eye to the word revolution will always cause intrigue. 


Above are the final resolutions for the four pieces of packaging. As a set i think they work well, with the visual constancy, however i believe that i could possibly of focused to much on the logo through out, making it to dominant. especially on the flip out folder. This would be addressed if re deigned. the colour scheme i think works well, however i think the gradient could be a little stronger in terms of the red being brighter as a finish. my decision to go with a gradient and the squares through out, makes the packaging intriguing, and if i had more time i would perhaps spend money on embossing the squares and putting a spot varnish on the logo. this would add to the design quality. As the project develops i will also to continue to develop the logo created here.

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