Thursday 6 October 2011

Typography Workshop-Graham

Type visual representation of a spoken word 
the visual style of type is just a representation of the person talking to you.

The main aim of the session was to highlight what certain fonts,weights etc represented in terms of communication. 

We were asked to visually represent ourselves by writing our name in a type face and style appropriate to myself. 

This was my final outcome, we were given a minute to complete the task. I used a seriffed, which suggests formality, as well as uppercase to demonstrate my loud side. 

This is my representation of a shy dog, i chose a small san serif typeface, to represent this, i think this was an effective outcome as the typeface and position demonstrated the vulnerability.

This is a representation of an angry dog, the italic represents the movement involved with the emotion of anger. i should of not added the full stop. The typeface its self should have been bolder. 

This is a representation of a pissed off dog, i didn't want the a,l out boldness of angry, and i added the serifs to represent the annoyed formality of being pissed off. 

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