Thursday 13 October 2011

Type Workshop 2

This afternoon i had a type workshop with graham, the focus of the session was to obtain a knowledge of curing and, general type layout. 

Here you can see the start of me using curing, starting with the word play. its very important to gather which space is the largest in the word, so in the case of SAMUEL it was between a and m. This is the guideline to space the other gaps in the word.  I think this is an important skill to have it will make logo or branding in the future much more pleasing to the eye, due to the evenness of the spacing in the final outcome. Using the serifed typeface is harder, however with EDWARDS i think the final resolution is more noticeably improved.

We then started to develop Ideas on lay out and spacing on the page. Its important to have an understanding of this, for reason such as legibility, which is obviously paramount when designing. 

We started this process using the words one, two, three.  THrough out the process we were asked to change how the layout was so, reading up to down, or down to up etc. Which made it difficult, the constant was that it had to read .one. two. three.  

I thought this was a relatively successful piece, in terms of layout. 

The colour obviously adds to the legibility of the piece, its also important to consider pt size, weighting, colour,placement and white space, white space effects the legibility of type, a great deal, if there is more white space around a word, then your eye will automatically be drawn to the word. So in this case, of this process the word one, need to have the most white space, as it is what you need to read first. 

This again was relatively successful, i chose to put two in the top left of the page, as this is where the  eye start reading when reading a book, and where my eye was drawn to first after reading one. 

This again is playing with rotation, and legibility. 

all the above are examples of layout and read ability working, even if the word is upside down. your eye maybe drawn to this first, but it doesn't effect the read ability of it. 

This is simply playing with a proverb. This is something that i will continue to do, as i think being aware of type and layout is paramount to successful design. 

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