Tuesday 18 October 2011

Project Rational-What is Good

Good is...

The red phone box. 


- National Identity 
- Free advertising 
- Good for the economy 
- Cheaper Alternative to mobiles With international callers 
- They can be recycled into alternative usages. 

I intend to...

inform and promote against the abolishment of the the red phone box, and inform and councils of there alternative usages. 

Group of.. 

Council members and heads of local councils. 


Save the red phone box, and inform relevant people of its alternative usages and encourage them to act upon it. 


Product will be informational material, in the form of a booklet. 

- RANGE - 

The range will include i diverse range of promotional material from posters to mail shots, to stickers, t shirts?


the context should be visible to everyone in the councils, the more is the public eye it is the better, so local pubs, super markets, etc. As well as in the formality of the head council offices. 

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