Tuesday 24 April 2012

Publication Development The Basic Layout

Open publication - Free publishing

Here you can see the initial concept for the publication for the heinz appeal which will come along side a promotional office. This will help the project reach a broader range of the target audience. That of the young professionals. Making these group aware of the campaign, will enable heinz to boost there sales.

The layout here based around two collums of texting, in the tone of voice of sympathy.. This plays on the charity idea more, However whilst drawing the readers in with the intial tone, once the reader continues they will quickly realise its a mock campaign. Which is playing on a brutally frank advertisign campaign. admitting that mayonnaise sells more units than salad cream. As a result this should at least convince people to try salad cream.

The layout itself is representative of this severity... with two columns, of text, however what we have discover here is that justified text with this column width is not working. As a result we develop on the type layout in the next stage.

Using facts and figures helps to put the point across, about the severity of inequality of heinz salad cream in terms of sale. What we do need however is some colour to highlight this.

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