Tuesday 24 April 2012

Publication Final Design

Open publication - Free publishing

Here you can see the the final publication.
With the addition of colour the on looker is drawn to the facts which are designed to interest. To encourage the reading of the publication.

The one column of text in the body, alternates in this from left aligned to right aligned. This gives the a more interesting layout as the publication develops to the onlooker.

The justified text works with the one column and gives a a cleaner finish the to the layout. It also wont deter the reader with a large bulk of text.

The publication fits in with the rest of the project tin terms of colour scheme and obviously subject. What now needs to fit in with the publication however is the rest of the office promotional pack going to fit in with the publication, orange now has to be the dominate colour in this pack.

*** is it important to suggest salad cream immediately on looking at the office pack? as orange may not necessarily.   

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