Tuesday 15 March 2011

Communication is a virus-Initial Stages

This project is a group project. After initially being put into groups we were asked to to produce a set of 3 posters, which demonstrated our identity as a group. each poster was given its own time constraints, from 15minutes to 5minutes.
The first two of these poster were designed at looking at our group identity, as a group we believed we covered all basis, from concept to final resolution. We broke up the design process, in to five stages to represent the five people in our group. we used the olympic rings, as inspiration.

the 5 categories were concept,design, research,development,resolution.

we then developed the ides in a lesser time constraint.

as a final resolution i believe the bottom one to be more effect, i think it portrays the purpose of the task better.  The final poster we were given 5 minutes, to demonstrate what we offer as a group, to a client, who were looking to hire us. due to the time constraints we wanted something simple and effective. as a result, we chose reliability to focus on as a group strength. we decided to show this conceptually. a simple straight line on a poster, is representative of reliability. simple,straight, effective. 

as a poster i think the simplicity of it, makes it a strong answer to the brief.  

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