Wednesday 9 March 2011

Book Fair-hot dog

the tequniques used for this project was simple i would use the photos i took in the research stage directly, and use them almost like stencils to create the outlines of the basic shapes with in the picture. the techniques are shown bellow.

i repeated the process for several different buildings. to create the individual pages of the hot dog book. i still was largely focusing on squares, i wanted to get a very kind of minimalist outcome.

here you can see the individual buildings i focused on, and the final outcome of each, i like the E C stoner building the best, its simplistic but creates a nice effect. on the back of the hot dog fold there will be a poster, i think i will used the leeds college of art, diagonal lines. as it fills the page best, and will look good in a3 format.

i will print on to off white paper, as this will allow a more effective final outcome, and compliment the black better. matt white paper, tens to look cheap.

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