Wednesday 16 March 2011

communication is a virus-Facebook Questionnaire

to develop the new fresh idea of anti Facebook campaign, we needed to obtain some statistics and information to see if people were aware of the facts, that Facebook has been linked with depression,low self esteem, people becoming more judgemental etc. and weather Facebook as a whole will have a positive effect on our generation. this will hold the basis for our project. in promoting a day of no Facebook, highlighting these negativities.
the questionnaire is shown below.



Age group

18-25 25-35 36+

Is your self esteem effected by Facebook?

Do you ever get a sense of paranoia with Facebook?
i.e photo’s/girlfriends etc?

Do you think your privacy is at risk due to Facebook?

Do you think that talking to friends over Facebook is a good   
substitute for socializing face to face?

Is Facebook a distraction from work.?

How do you think Facebook will effect our generation?

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