Wednesday 16 March 2011

Communication is a virus-crit/pitch boards.

After having our crit with Amber and Jo it was brought to our attention that the idea of a book of things to do before you die would be to simple and has been done many times before, this is not what we were wanting for the group. Therefor we have changed the way in which we will approach this brief.

We then managed to gather as a group and go over the way that everything was to be created, we decided to create an Anti-Facebook campaign, we wanted to create such a compelling way to change how people look at these social websites or in our case, anti social.

We are going to group again on Monday and then decide on how we want to take this new idea and what we all have created in a group effort, the best way to make these look the best would be to make them compelling and fresh. These ideas will all be grouped together and then we will start the design process.

The pitch boards used for the crit are shwen below, they cover the concept,content and method of delivery. 

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